Apply now! Empowerment & Violence Against Women Social Awards
Applynow! Empowerment & Violence Against Women Social Awards
InFrance, every 7 minute there is a woman being raped. Every day there are 205rape cases occurred. InItaly, 31.5% women have experienced violence or sexual assault. InUK, over half of women in 18-21 year old have suffered fromtheir husband’s abuse. In China, approximately 25-30% of 63 millionwomen have been hurt by domestic violence mentally and physically.
Theissue is far more than that. Last month, World Economic Forum has publishedGlobal Gender Gap Report 2017 in which China was ranked 100 and considered asone of the severe gender imbalance countries particularly in newly-bornpopulation group.
Launchedby Kering Foundation, CASVI and Falcon Accelerator of YouChange Foundation,Kering Foundation Awards aims to support innovative entrepreneurs or projectsthat are committed to women empowerment and violence against women issuesthrough service provision and empowering women affected by or at risk ofviolence.
Empower Women and End Violence AgainstWomen-Kering Social Entrepreneur Awards
About the Awards Every two year Kering Foundation awardsexcellent social entrepreneurs who have engaged in addressing women socialissues in America (incl. USA and Mexico), Europe (incl. France, Italy and UK)and Asia (incl. China mainland and Hong Kong) in an effort to support theseentrepreneurs’ social projects.
Award prize ü Up to a grant of €10,000 ü 6-month Falcon accelerationprogramme ü 2-year Kering mentor support
Application Requirements 1. Organisations that benefit and empower women who are affected or at risk ofviolence in China in any of the following areas: ● Combatviolence against women (i.e. domestic violence, sexual violence, female genitalmutilation, forced marriage, trafficking, etc.) ● Help women at risk of violence(migrant, minority women, low-income single women, disadvantagedhouseholds, etc.) ● Focus on women’s livelihoodissues such as healthcare, housing, training and rehabilitation, etc. 2.Organisations must be operating in mainland China,including projects launchedby foreigners in mainland China which target women affectedby or at risk of violence. 3.Have a sustainable business model- to some extend. 4.Applicant has to be founder or leader of the organisations or projects.
Scan the code to start your application
Deadline:2018/01/10 24:00
KeringFoundation was established in 2009, its mission is to combat violence againstwomen and commit supporting women being an issue that resonates with theactivities and the clientele of the brands, and one on which Kering as a globalplayer can drive change alongside governments and organizations. To bring anend to the fact that 1 in 3 women in the world will be beaten, coerced into sexor otherwise abused, the Kering Foundation focuses its actions on threepillars: Supporting local & international NGOs, awarding social entrepreneursand raising awareness of endingviolence against women.
KeringFoundation was established by KeringGroup, the third largest French fashiongroup. Kering Group owns the fashion brandsincluding Gucci, Bottega Veneta,Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen andBalenciaga etc.
Kering Foundation Awards Everytwo year Kering Foundation awards excellent social entrepreneurs whohaveengaged in addressing women social issues in America (incl. USA andMexico),Europe (incl. France, Italy and UK) and Asia (incl. China mainland andHongKong) in an effort to support these entrepreneurs’ social projects.
Previous Winner Starfish StarfishProject is asocially-responsible jewelry business owned and operated by womenthat designsand manufactures jewelry. Proceeds of all sales provideStarfish’sbeneficiaries a range of holistic care services, includingcounseling,vocational training, language acquisition, family education grants,health careaccess, and housing in its women’s shelter. Since 2006, the Projecthas beenable to empower more than 100 women, through their regional andglobalprograms.
The support of the Kering Foundation willimprove the social impact ofStarfish Project in China. Thanks to the SocialEntrepreneur Awards, StarfishProject will benefit from a grant of €30,000 andmentoring by a Kering Groupsenior manager for two years, enabling the projectto further penetrate theChina market, offer women advanced leadershiptraining, in order to increasesales as well as women’s employment.
China Alliance of Social Value Investment (CASVI)
Initiated by 50prominent institutions led by YouChange Social Entrepreneur Foundation, UnitedNations Social Impact Fund, Investment Association of China, Tsing CapitalInvestment Group and Tsinghua University, China Alliance of Social ValueInvestment (Shenzhen) is the first and only licensed non-profit organisation inChina that specialised in social value investment.
YouChange Foundation and Falcon Accelerator YouChangeFoundationis a national NGO approved by China Bureau of Civil Administrationand the StateCoucil of PRC, aiming to discover and help social entrepreneurs.Its coreservice is to establish a social entrepreneur networking platform tocoordinatecross-department cooperation.
FalconAcceleratorhas been launched by YouChange Foundation at the beginning of2017. It functionsin the area of capacity building for socialentrepreneurs/enterprises,consulting service for fundraising and managementand marketing and promotionservice for social entrepreneurs/enterprises.Current serving social enterprisesinclude A Better Community Consulting Group,Laoba Evaluation, Shifangyuang,Biliyuan etc.